Wednesday, December 30, 2020

From a strange planet - 26

We start in Stavanger and follow the E39. First we go North and then East along the E134. At Haukell we meet the Rv.9. There we go South, until we make a full circle and finish the trip at Kritiansand, that's where we left from last time.

This time we had more time to explore the surroundings. Sometimes the webcam picture suggests mysterious or unexpected details. When you explore these places on Google streetview you will be both surprised and disappointed. My main impression was how much Norwegian landscapes look like Swiss alpine landscapes. And how beautiful they are, and how modern.

E39 Harestad 2 - The two trees in the left corner and the houses in the right corner look lonely and mysterious. The houses are also present on Google streetview but they are disappointing. The same is the case for the trees.

E39 Rennesøy - The field and the houses. In the camera picture the houses look like Chinese temple complexes. In reality they look less impressive. I think we're looking at these farm houses. They're boring, but the shed is nice.

But at night the sign is a shining rectangle and the farm houses are a UFO landing. And from this side road you can see the camera on Google streetview.

E39 Mortavika 1 - The toll booths and the bingo numbers.

And at night it looks like a dwarf rave party. And again, they remind me of Neo Rauch. Quite surreal, I like that.

Fv. 47 Ferkingstad - The hill and the boulder, and the view into the far distance.

And at night the place hosts a nuclear explosion and an artificial sun. And molten lava. And it's on Google streetview also.

Fv. 40 Alsåkernes - The waiting timber and the view into the valley. The entrance of a tunnel. At night there's a lit tree and small lights, down in the valley. (A few days later the timber was gone.)
And there is a magnificient view from Google streetview.
And such are the villages down in the valley. You will see their lights at night.
E134 Fjæra 2 - The grass covered bus shelter, the Sol LeWitt box on the left.
On Google streetview, the box and the bus shelter. You could write a story about that. Sitting in the bus shelter, looking at the guardrail and thinking of conceptual art.

E134 Røldalstunnelen vest - The pylons, the tunnel, the snow.
Both in winter and in autumn.

E134 Røldalstunnelen aust - The snow, the cliffs, the sheds. It is a ski area. Usually there is a boring, silent, well ordered, emptiness at night.

But when it rains or snows you can see apparitions. This evening you have (from left to right): the white sheepdog, the female head on a stick and the coronavirus.

Rv. 13 Botnen - The mysterious installation.

It looks even better at night. 
And on Google streetview it also looks great and deserted.

And when you look around you see an idyllic landscape. This looks like Switzerland in autumn. Wish I was there!

Rv. 13 Eiane - The poles in the field on the right.

It's an orchard when you look on Google streetview.

Rv. 9 Hovden - By day a study in white, black and gray.

And at night the mysterious stake rises up from the snow.

In real life there's a beautiful farmhouse with horses and beautiful snow. And even the side roads are wonderful to see. Could I be the first to ever see these beautiful Google pictures?

Rv. 9 Hekni - The place that looks like a crime location. With bodies hidden behind the dark trees. 

When you look at the camera picture you will see that it has the wrong name. In earlier days the camera indeed stood near Hekni, but that landscape is different. I couldn't find the real location of this webcam, but I found a great ride along the Rv. 9 on Youtube.

With appropriate night fog.

Rv. 9 Dalehefte - That's where we started our round trip in an earlier blog post.

Raw links for scripting:

E39 Harestad 2

E39 Rennesøy

E39 Mortavika 1

E39 Arsvågen ferjekai 2

Fv. 47 Ferkingstad

Fv. 40 Alsåkernes

E134 Fjæra 2

E134 Røldalstunnelen vest

E134 Røldalstunnelen aust

Rv. 13 Botnen

Rv. 13 Eiane

Rv. 13 Årdal

Rv. 9 Hovden

Rv. 9 Hekni

Rv. 9 Dalehefte

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