Yet another tactic for countertourism at heritage sites:
- Collect as many brochures of other musea and exhibitions as you can.
- Put them away, do not read them now.
- Take pictures of anything that strikes you as significant and interesting in this museum or exhibition.
- At home smash the brochures and the pictures together vigorously.
- See if the collision produces any meaningful fragments.
- Create your own imaginary museum exhibition.
- Read the texts from the brochures out loud in front of the exhibits. Thereby baffling your companions and other visitors.
- Here, when I didn't know the name of what I was doing. Only later did I discover countertourism and its tactics.
Raising children is an art. In all ages all people have tried to prepare and equip their children for their future lives. In the media the theme of childraising is often presented as a problem. But raising children is fortunately often connected with love, humor and tradition.
Slow Burn will centre around two themes that can be considered characteristic of both developments in contemporary art and the redevelopment of space: time and entropy. The combination of these two themes can provide insight into the possibilities or impossibilities encapsulated in an area like the zone.
A wide-ranging selection of icons will be displayed in a fascinating exhibition illustrating the iconographic differences and similarities between the art of Orthodox and Western Christianity. Life-sized examples of 500 years of Russian painting will be on show besides highlights of Western art.

Thirteen artworks have been created in 's-Hertogenbosch in 1632. The artist visited his nephew, the reverend Johannes Junius. In this short time he made several sketches of cityscapes and church interiors.
The title of the exhibition, The Moonlight Garden, refers to the moonlight garden of the Taj Mahal in India. In recent years the garden has been a major theme in the work of the artist.
Countertourism -
Museum - Het Markiezen Hof - Bergen op Zoom
Brochure -
Brochure - Museum Catharijneconvent Utrecht, Goddelijke inspiratie
Brochure - Dordrechts Museum, De kunst van het opvoeden, 28 April - 15 September
Brochure - Noordbrabants Museum, programme May - September 2013