Sunday, March 14, 2021

From a strange planet - 31

A pleasant sunny, snowy road.
But what is that square, dark shape in the background?
What are those rectangular boxes?
Spooky geometries, both by night and by day.

Menacing cars parked in the wood.
A secret transaction?
Did someone walk into these woods? Did they come back?
A lake is watching through the trees. Who drowned there?
Will this place be pleasant when spring comes?

A small hill.
Probably it's very old. Older than the road.
It might hide a buried treasure.
Or it could be solid granite.
That's for you to decide.
Why dig here, if you can dig everywhere?

The horizon calls. Very horizontal.
The house shines.
Rows of trees. Very vertical.
Rotation preserves angles and lengths.

Fields wait for spring in the background.
Looking at fields is a blessing.
Time slows down. Calm descends.
Thank the creator for fields. They save us daily.

The obvious road.
And the less obvious road.
Going there, and there.
None go to the dark mountain.
The radio tower transmits, but not for us.
Someone owns it, but not for us.
We drive by, obedient.

Nothing happens, nothing changes.
A parallel road no one ever takes.
A fence separates two boring spaces.
Black mothers with black strollers.
Roll new life across danger.

It is not how it looks.
Thomas Ligotti is here.

Far away is beautiful. Very far.
The woods are complicated. Light scatters.
Who or what lives there? A statue?

Trees like flags. Clouds like flares.
Shining roads.
Conveyor belts to home.

The horizon of longing.
Thirty years war.

Fv. 289 Hurum

Fv. 281 Storsand Hurum

E6 Nøstvett

E6 Støkken

E6 Vestby

E6 Ingedal

Fv. 118 Svinesund

Fv. 101 Prestebakke

Fv. 124 Strømsfoss

E18 Ørje grense

E18 Holstad

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