This blog's mission is to pay attention to overlooked phenomena. For example: parking spaces or lampposts. But today I will focus on the receipt. That piece of paper you throw away routinely.
These are constant:
- Store: 46 - they have 62 stores in The Netherlands
- Cash register: 60 - I didn't count the cash registers in the store
- Person number: 241307 - they have 11.000 employees now, did 200.000 people ever work at V&D? probably some different coding is used
- Date: 05/02/11
- Time: 13:35 - 13:40
- Receipt number: 4984 - 4989 - one customer per minute? - this store or all stores? V&D claim to serve 1.500.000 customers each week
- Big barcode number - transaction number? what coding is involved?
- 592053896189263656284778
- 592553896189263191284778
I cannot I find a standard coding for this 24-digit number on the Internet. There is no simple modulo-11 check involved:
- Barcode A = 2* 3* 23* 337* 12730699182670271713
- Barcode B = 2* 7972667* 37161585714621167
- Barcode A mod 11 = 3
- Barcode B mod 11 = 0
See also:
Wikipedia - Receipt
Wikipedia - Barcode
Wikipedia - European Article Number
i would think that part of the barcode would be for a checksum?